Friday, September 16th, 2005
I. Ethics and Economic Success: Redefining the Corporation
Chair: Alberto Martinelli (Professor of Political Science, University of Milan; Politeia)
James E. Post (Professor of Management, Boston University)
Redefining the Corporation: Stakeholders and Social Purpose
Stefano Zamagni (Professor of Economics, University of Bologna)
An Ethical Anchoring of CSR for the Post-tayloristic Epoch
Sybille Sachs (Professor of Business and Society, University of Zurich)
Implementing the Stakeholder View:
the Effects of Liberalization on Monopolist’s Stakeholder Interactions
Mario Zanone Poma (Chairman, NED Community, Milan)
Corporate Governance: the Role of Independent Directors
Michele Monti (Executive Director, Borsa Italiana S.p.A.)
Stock Exchanges, Stakeholders and Demutualization
Pier Paolo Baretta (Confederal Secretary, CISL, Rome)
CSR: a Positive Challenge for the Trade Unions
II. Managing Ethics in Business Organizations:
Special Focus on Information Technology Revolution and Business
Chair: Renzo Vanetti (CEO, SIA S.p.A.)
Deborah G. Johnson (Professor of Applied Ethics & Chair of the Department of Science,
Technology and Society, University of Virginia)
IT Systems and Business Ethics in a Global Economy
Fiorella De Cindio (Professor of Information Systems, University of Milan; CPSR)
Citizenship Rights in the Information Society
Bruno Lamborghini (Chairman, European IT Observatory)
Business Ethics in the Net Organizations
III. Corporate Citizenship
Chair: Edoardo Massaglia (Director, Corporate Identity, UniCredit)
Donna Wood (Professor of Business Ethics, University of Northern Iowa)
Transforming Business Citizenship:Experiments in Sustainable Capitalism
Antonio Gaudioso (Vice Secretary General, Cittadinanzattiva, Rome)
Stakeholder’s Role
Paolo Grillo (Director, Business and Public Affairs, Serono S.p.A.)
CSR and Biotech: a Challenge
Saturday, September 17th, 2005
IV. Ethical Values in Global Business
Chair: Maria Teresa Brassiolo (Chair, Transparency International Italia)
Jeanne M. Logsdon (Professor of Business Ethics, University of New Mexico)
Ethics in Global Business: Navigating the Terrain
Kathryn Gordon (Senior Economist, OECD, Paris)
Human Behaviour, the Nation State and Global Standards for Business Conduct
Michael Hopkins (Professor of Corporate Responsibility, Middlesex University, London)
Can CSR Pave the Way for Development?
Federica Ranghieri (Institute of Human Geography, University of Milan; Senior Consultant,
the World Bank)
Partnership for Climate: a Sustainability Assessment
Giuseppe Piras (Coordinator, Economic and Social Rights, Amnesty International Italia)
CSR: Voluntary Approaches or Shared Rules?
Roberto Zangrandi (CSR Manager, ENEL S.p.A.)
Emergence, Role and Challenges of the New Stakeholders
Gian Francesco Imperiali (Chairman and CEO, ABB S.p.A.)
Ethics, Governance, Reputation and Competitiveness
È previsto il servizio di traduzione simultanea / Simultaneous translation will be available
Segreteria scientifica/Scientific secretary
Emilio D’Orazio, Simone de Colle, Paola Gallo, Nicola Pasini, Norberto Patrignani
Segreteria organizzativa / Conference organization
Annabella Mutarelli, Elena Costantino