Vincenzo Ferrari (1940) won a law degree with highest ranks from Milan University in 1962 and has been a practicing lawyer for about fifty years. Originally an assistant in Philosophy of law in Milan, he was lecturer and then professor in sociology of law in the Universities of Cagliari, Bologna and, again, Milan, where he was director of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of Law, dean of the Law Faculty, director of the Doctoral School of Legal Sciences, Rector’s delegate at the international academic institutions. He served as president of both the Italian Association of Law and Society and of the Italian Society of Legal Philosophy. He also chaired the ISA Research Committee on Sociology of Law, was a member of the ISA Executive Committee and was among the founders of Oñati’s International Institute for the Sociology of Law. A visiting professor in a number of foreign universities (among them, recently, Stanford, Autónoma de Madrid, Lund, Bucharest and UNAM, Mexico City), he is honorary professor of the Universidad Externado de Colombia and of the Universidad Metropolitana, Caracas. Among his works as author: Funzioni del diritto (1987, Spanish ed. Funciones del Derecho, 1989, Greek ed. Leitourgies tou Dikaiou, 1992); Giustizia e diritti umani. Osservazioni sociologico-giuridiche (1995); Lineamenti di sociologia del diritto - Azione giuridica e sistema normativo (1997, Spanish ed. Acción jurídica y sistema normativo, 1999; Diritto e società (2004, Spanish ed. Derecho y Sociedad, 2006), Prima lezione di sociologia del diritto (Roma-Bari, 2010). Among his works as editor: Italian edition of Morris Ginsberg’s On Justice in Society (Milano, 1981), Gregorio Peces-Barba’s Curso de derechos fundamentales (Milano 1993), Richard Abel’s Speech and Respect (Milano, 1996) and Henry S. Maine’s Ancient Law (Milano, 1998).