Notizie di Politeia Anno XXIV - N. 90 - 2008, pp. 123, € 12,50 |
Sommario UTILITARIANISM: HISTORICAL THEORIES AND CONTEMPORARY DEBATES Edited by Gianfranco Pellegrino 3 Introduction, by GIANFRANCO PELLEGRINO 7 John Stuart Mill’s Science of Politics, by FREDERICK ROSEN 20 Hume, Experience and Value, by PETER KAIL 31 Utilitarianism and Its 19th-Century Critics, by SERGIO CREMASCHI 50 Utilitarianism and Contract Theory: Democracy in Bentham and Rousseau, by ANNAMARIA LOCHE 64 Utilitarianism Arrogance, by JOHN SKORUPSKI 75 Rule-consequentialism versus Act-consequentialism, by BRAD HOOKER 86 Utilitarianism as both Unattainable Ideal and Human Morality, by TIM MULGAN 98 Some OId Objections to Rule-Consequentialism Reconsidered: The Case of Reproductive Freedom, 108 Utilitarianism and Coercion, by NIR EYAL