ie di Po
Notizie di Politeia
Anno XXVIII - N. 106 - 2012
, pp. 245, € 20,00

Sommario / Contents

Business and Human Rights: in Search of Accountability

-Edited by Emilio D’Orazio

-Foreword, by Guido Palazzo [Full text]

- Introduction, by Emilio D’Orazio  [Full text]

I. Ethics and Economic Success
- The United Nations Business and Human Rights Framework, by Denis G. Arnold  [Abstract]

- Human Rights as a Critique of Instrumental CSR: Corporate Responsibility Beyond the Business Case, by Florian Wettstein  [Abstract]

- Corporate Social Responsibility and Human Rights Abuses. A comparison of the Strategies adopted by Advanced Country and BRIC Multinationals, by Davide Fiaschi, Elisa Giuliani, Chiara MAcchi and Oriana Perrone  [Abstract]

- Orientamento sessuale e business. Analisi socio-economica di un target settoriale,  di Germano Torkan e Dario Schirone  [Abstract]

Panel: From Principles to Practice

- Understanding and Managing the Financial Sector’s Responsibilities in terms of Human Rights: the UniCredit Experience, by Gaia Ghirardi

- Edison e ISO 26000: un progetto pilota, di Francesca Magliulo

- Diritti umani, salute e sicurezza sul lavoro: relazione di responsabilità etica, di Lucina Mercadante

- La sostenibilità nella catena di fornitura: l’approccio di Telecom Italia, di Paolo Nazzaro

II. CSR and International Law 

- Rethinking International Corporate Social Responsibility: Due Diligence in the UN Framework on Business and Human Rights, the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises and in National Law, by Peter T. Muchlinski  [Abstract]

- The Missing Right to Know. A Critique of the UN Protect-Respect-Remedy Framework and the Guiding Principles, by Nicola Jägers   [Abstract]

- Access to Remedy for Victims of Business-Related Abuse: Some Remarks in the Light of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, by Angelica Bonfanti  [Abstract]

- I “diritti delle generazioni future”: tra etica, sostenibilità e diritto ambientale, di Marco Ettore Grasso  [Abstract]

Panel: From Principles to Practice 

- Imprese e diritti umani: la necessità di un adeguato quadro normativo, di Riccardo Facchini 

- Diritti umani e ruolo delle multinazionali, di Antonio Giacomucci
- OMV & Human Rights - Human Rights Risk Mitigation in the Business Context, by Wolfgang Kraus

III. Ethical Values in Global Business 

- Sullivan Principles or Ruggie Principles?: Applying the Fair Share Theory to Determine the Extent and Limits of Business Responsibility for Human Rights, by Michael A. Santoro  [Abstract]
- The United Nations “Protect, Respect and Remedy” Framework on Transnational Corporations and Human Rights: On a Pitfall of a Reductionist Approach, by Elena Pariotti  [Abstract]
- From Stabilization Clauses and Human Rights to Principles for Responsible Contracts, by Andrea Shemberg  [Abstract]

- Global Supply Chains and Labor Standards:  Two Faces of Apple, by S. Prakash Sethi  [Abstract]

- Business, diritti umani e catena di fornitura, di Lorenzo Solimene, Claudia Stracchi e Francesca Testani  [Abstract]

- Big Pharma e accesso alle cure. La questione della responsabilità d’impresa tra etica e mercato, di Paola Russo  [Abstract]

Panel:From Principles to Practice
- CSR e diritti umani: l’esperienza di IMF nelle economie emergenti, di Gabriele Galante

- Affrontare crisi ambientale e crisi climatica, al centro i diritti, di Maurizio Gubbiotti 

- Power to Change, di Sabina Ratti e Domenica Di Donato

Anno XXII - N. 84 - 2006
, pp. 167, € 1